Have you been re-enrolled into the scheme by your employer?

Publication date: 12/04/2019 06:29:24

If you opt out or join the 50/50 section of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), your employer must automatically re-enrol you back into the main section of the scheme around every three years.

Automatic enrolment is a government initiative and a legal requirement of your employer. The idea is to encourage people to save for their retirement through work place pensions.

If you’re not ready to re-join, you can opt out again. To opt out you have two options:

  • You can fill in an opt out form (under Related Documents) and return it to your employer 

  • Or, you can use the online opt out form and your request will be sent directly to your employer (the link can be found on the ‘Forms and Guides’ page)

You can choose to opt in at any time by filling in an opt in form and returning it to your employer.

