Do you employ staff who are members of the NHS pension scheme?

Publication date: 11/02/2020 10:13:45

Although not directly an LGPS issue, we’d like to make our employers aware that in November 2019, NHS England signed off on plans to pay the pension tax bills of clinicians if the tax charge arises in the 2019/20 year.

Clinicians working for non-NHS organisations (like local government employers) are also eligible for this scheme if they’re delivering NHS services and meet the eligibility criteria. They must be employed or engaged in a role where they need to be registered with an appropriate healthcare regulatory body and be a member of the NHS pension scheme to qualify.

More details of these plans were set out in the statement made by Matt Hancock (Secretary of State for Health and Social Care) on 7 December 2019. More information and resources from NHS England are now available.
