
The fund’s approach focuses on enhancing long-term investment performance by making companies more commercially successful through safer, cleaner and more accountable operations that are better positioned to deal with Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities. 

The fund uses Columbia Threadneedle Investments to undertake Responsible Engagement Overlay (REO). This service engages with companies held in portfolios to promote the adoption of better environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. 

Reports on engagement activities are taken to the Pensions Committee meeting each quarter and can be viewed as part of the public papers. 

Examples of reports are shown here for reference: 

1) Columbia Threadneedle Investments REO Activity Report 

2) Columbia Threadneedle REO Engagement Report 

In addition to the REO service provided by Columbia Threadneedle Investments, the fund also receives engagement details from our pooling company LGPS Central on their engagements every quarter and these can also be viewed as part of the public Pensions Committee papers. 

Examples of reports are shown here for reference: 

3) LGPS Central Engagement by Region 

4) LGPS Central Voting Summary 

5) LGPS Central Voting Report 

Legal and General Investment Managers (LGIM) hold the fund’s passive portfolio and publishes an ESG impact report on a quarterly basis. The latest report can be viewed in the Responsible Investing | LGIM Institutional section of their website.

Please note, these reports have been produced externally and therefore may not meet our accessibility standards.