Pension Board

In accordance with the Public Service Pensions Act 2013, a Pension Board was established from 1 April 2015. The Pension Board has responsibility for assisting Shropshire Council as the fund's scheme manager about the following matters;

  • securing compliance with the scheme regulations and other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the scheme and any statutory pension scheme that is connected with it;
  • securing compliance with requirements imposed in relation to the scheme and any connected scheme by the Pensions Regulator;
  • such other matters as the scheme regulations may specify.

The terms of reference of the Pension Board specifies the role of the board including the number of scheme member and employer representatives needed to be members of the board, and the frequency and format of the meetings.

The agendas and minutes of each Pension Board meeting can be found on the Shropshire Council website.

What does the pension board do?

The Pension Board is responsible for assisting Shropshire Council, who is the scheme manager, secure compliance.


The Pension Board is an oversight body and doesn't have decision making powers. The board doesn't replace existing governance arrangements in place in the Shropshire County Pension Fund in respect of the administration of the LGPS. Further information about our governance arrangements can be found in the governance compliance statement.

How is the pension board set up?

The Pension Board consists of six voting members and is constituted as follows:

  • Three employer representatives
  • Three scheme member representatives


Employer representatives sitting on the Pensions Board must be office holders or senior employees of employers in the fund, or have experience of representing scheme employers in a similar capacity. Employer representatives can also include elected members, however no officer or elected member of the administering authority who is responsible for the discharge of any function of the administering authority under the LGPS Regulations, may serve as a member of the Pension Board. All employer representatives must have the capacity to represent fund employers.


Scheme member representatives should be scheme members of the Shropshire County Pension Fund and have the capacity to represent scheme members of the fund. There should be an equal number of scheme member and employer representatives.


An independent member and any substitute members may also be included in the composition of the Pension Board. Substitute members for employer and scheme member representatives will have voting rights but an independent member or any other members appointed to the Pension Board do not have voting rights on the Pension Board.

Who are the current pension board members?

The following members sit on the Pension Board:

  • Liz Furey - Employer representative.
  • John Hall - Member representative.
  • Madeline Murphy - Employer representative.
  • Tricia Slater - Employer Representative.
  • Rebecca Summerlin - Member representative.
  • Dave Wright - Member representative and Chair.

Dave Wright is currently the elected chair of the Pensions Board.

When does the pension board meet?

The Pension Board meets at least twice in each calendar year. The meeting dates, agenda and minutes can be found on the Shropshire Council website.

How was the pension board appointed?

When a vacant position arises, all active, deferred and pensioner scheme members are invited to submit applications to join the Pensions Board. The available positions are communicated to scheme members through email alerts, website posts and newsletter updates including the retired members biannual magazine InTouch. Employers would be contacted separately about vacant employer positions through email updates and employer meetings.


Once received, applications are subject to a selection process by the appointment panel: Assistant Director – Legal & Governance and the Head of Pensions – LGPS Senior Officer. Successful applicants are invited to attend interviews in, from which the new board member would be appointed.


As part of this selection process, applicants must show they've the relevant experience and capacity to serve on the board. Although, training is provided on appointment and continues to be offered where board members would like to develop their knowledge and experience.


The current Pension Board members were appointed to a term of office of four years, with a possible extension for up to a further two years.

Where can I find out more about the pension board?

The Pension Board meet at least twice a year and the agendas and minutes can be found on the Shropshire Council website. The meetings are open meetings and members of the public are welcome to attend if they wish.


We also keep members informed of the work undertaken by the Pensions Board. Updates are provided through newsletters, email alerts, website posts and member meetings. For other interested parties who are not scheme members or employers, information is available to all through the Fund website.


Members of the Pensions Board also frequently attend pension events such as the annual meeting and employers' meeting where members and employers can meet them and ask questions.

How to contact the pension board?

If you want to contact the Pension Board their email address is 

How to attend a meeting

The meetings are open meetings and members of the public are welcome to attend if they wish.


A calendar of meetings can be found on the Shropshire Council website. Follow the link under Related Links to see the calendar.


Meeting dates are subject to change so if you’re considering attending a meeting please check regularly to see that the meeting hasn’t been cancelled. Alternatively, you can contact the committee officer to make sure the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.

Call us

01743 252130

Write to us

Pensions, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ