Children’s pensions

A survivor's pension could be due to your child or children in the event of your death. This pension would increase every year in line with the cost of living. The amount of pension paid depends on the number of eligible children and if a survivors’ pension is being paid to your spouse, civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner.

What is an eligible child?

An eligible child is (at the date of your death):

  • your natural child (who must be born 12 months before your death)
  • your adopted child
  • your step-child or child accepted by you as being a member of your family (this doesn’t include a child you sponsor for charity) and be dependent on you

An eligible child must be:

  • under 18
  • under 23 and in full-time education or vocational training
  • unable to engage in gainful employment because of physical or mental impairment. They have either not reached age 23 or the impairment is, in the opinion of an independent registered medical practitioner, likely to be permanent and the child was dependent on you at the date of your death because of that impairment.

How are children's pension worked out?

The rate of the pension would be worked out using your membership. This would be increased to what it would've been if you'd retired on ill-health and been given first tier benefits (i.e. membership enhanced to normal pension age).

Where there's one eligible child:

  • if a spouse or partner's pension is due: membership x final pay x 1/320 for 2008 scheme and as if 2014 scheme benefits had accrued at 1/320
  • if no spouse or partner's pension is due: membership x final pay x 1/240 or benefits accrued at 1/240

Where there's more than one eligible child

  • if a spouse or partner's pension is due: membership x final pay x 1/160 for 2008 scheme and as if 2014 benefits had accrued at 1/160
  • if no spouse or partner's pension is due: membership x final pay x 1/120 or benefits accrued at 1/120.

Where there's more than one eligible child, the pension is paid equally between the children.

Call us

01743 252130

Write to us

Pensions, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ