In the LGPS, each member has a normal pension age. Your normal pension age is the age you can take your pension benefits without having a reduction applied. If you work past your normal pension age your pension benefits will be increased. The amount reduced or added to your pension benefits will depend on how early or late you take them.
Your pension benefits will be adjusted each year in line with the cost of living.
The retirement process
If you're thinking of retiring, the retirement process booklet and the 'thinking of retiring' guides for active or deferred members, will help you through the retirement process and explain what happens when you retire. The booklets are for guidance only and can't be treated as a statement of law.
One of the options you have at retirement is to give up some of your annual pension for a lump sum. You're allowed under HMRC limits to take up to 25% of your total pension pot as tax free cash. Please use ‘My Pension Online’ to work out your retirement benefits. To work out what you can take as a retirement grant, you can use the calculator on the LGPS member website.