When can I take my deferred benefits?

You can take your deferred benefits at any time, from the age of 55 until age 75, as long as you've left the job the benefits are linked to.

If you take your benefits at your normal pension age, there will be no reductions. However, if you decide to take your deferred benefits before your normal pension age, they'll normally be reduced as your pension will be paid for longer. How much they are reduced by will depend on how early you take them. 

Your normal pension age will usually be age 65 if you left the LGPS before 31 March 2008. Benefits built up after 1 April 2014 in the CARE scheme have a normal pension age linked to your state pension age. 

You can leave your benefits in the LGPS past your normal pension age if you left the scheme after 1 April 1998. Your benefits would be increased for late payment, but they must be paid to you by your 75th birthday. If you left the LGPS before 1 April 1998, you must take your benefits when they're due on or before your normal pension age. 

To find out how much your pension benefits would be, you can use the benefit calculators on 'My Pension Online' on our website.

If you can't work because of ill health, you may be able to have your benefits paid in full, with no reductions, whatever your age. For your application to be approved, you must be permanently incapable of doing the job you were in when you left the LGPS and were given your deferred benefits. 

If you think this may apply to you, contact your former employer. They will then ask an independent occupational ill health physician to give an opinion before they decide whether they can approve your application. 

Please refer to your employer’s discretions policy to find out more about these types of requests.

Changes to the Normal Minimum Pension Age (NMPA)
The normal minimum pension age (NMPA) is the earliest age most people can start taking payment of their personal and workplace pensions. It's currently 55 years but this will increase to 57 from 6 April 2028, unless you have a Protected Pension Age or you're retiring due to ill health.

We are waiting for information from the government that will confirm whom may have a protected pension age. We will update our website and contact our affected members once the changes have been confirmed. 

If you would like to find out more about this change please visit: Increasing Normal Minimum Pension Age - GOV.UK

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01743 252130

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Pensions, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ