Scheme leavers before retirement

What happens to a member's benefits when they leave or opt out of the LGPS, will depend on how long they've been in the scheme.

Refund or deferred pension?

From 1 April 2014, members must have two year's qualifying membership in the scheme to be entitled to benefits.

If they've less than two years, they could have a refund of contributions if:

  • They've not re-joined the LGPS within a month and a day of leaving their job, of which they are claiming the refund of contributions
  • They're not currently making contributions to the LGPS
  • They don't already have deferred benefit in the LGPS
  • They're not in receipt of a pension from the LGPS
  • They've not transferred pension rights from the LGPS to an overseas pension scheme

If the member opts out of the scheme with under three months membership, and a refund is due, the refund of contributions can be made through your payroll. For leavers over three months, a leaver’s form must be completed.

Apart from Shropshire Council, there is no need to send the fund leavers forms for retirements or deaths.

Call us

01743 252130

Write to us

Pensions, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ