Frequently asked questions
Our helpdesk takes lots of phone calls from retired members asking about their LGPS pension. Some of the most frequently asked questions are shown below.
When will my pension be paid?
We pay pensions on the 29th of every month (or the previous working day if the 29th is a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday). Payment is slightly earlier in December because of Christmas. Each payment is made directly to your bank or building society account.
How do I view my payslip?
You can view your payslips through the 'My Pension Online' system.
To register, click on the 'My Pension Online' button. This will take you into the online area. You will see a link, 'sign up', under the heading 'not registered', which you need to click on. This sends you the activation information you need to register. You'll need your email address and national insurance number to finish the process.
What if I change my address or bank details?
If you move to a new house or want us to pay your pension into a different account, you can let us know in writing. You can also update this information through your 'My Pension Online' account.
As payroll is completed in the middle of each month, please let us know as soon as you can.
Why do I pay tax on my pension?
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) look at all types of income you receive. If this comes to more than your tax allowance, you'll pay tax on your pension.
I think my tax code is wrong who should I contact?
HMRC work out your tax code. If you think it's wrong, you’ll need to speak to them directly to have it updated. We can only use the tax code we’re given by HMRC and any changes must come from them.
If you receive a tax notification from HMRC, please check this matches the tax code on your payslip.
If you've a question about your tax code, HMRC can be contacted on 0300 200 3300, or 0044 135 535 9022 if you’re calling from outside the UK.
What if I get another job after I retire?
If you get another job there'll be no change to your pension. It'll continue to be paid, unless you were granted ‘compensatory added years’ of membership through redundancy or efficiency retirement. In this case, your compensation benefits may be affected.
What if I decide to live abroad?
We can continue to pay your pension whilst you’re abroad. But, remember to tell us in good time so we can discuss the options with you and make all the necessary arrangements.
How do I tell you about a death?
It is important we're told about a member’s death as quickly as possible. This is so we can work out if any benefits are due to your loved ones.
When telling us about a death, it would be helpful if the following information could be given:
- Full name and address of the deceased
- The date of death, where the death was registered, and a reference number such as a national insurance number or a payroll number
- Full name and address of the next of kin and a phone number
Please visit our death of a retired member page for more information about reporting the death of a retired member.
What benefits will be paid if I die after retiring on pension?
A lump sum death grant may be due if you die whilst receiving your pension. This will depend on your service in the scheme.
Survivors’ pensions may be due to your widow, widower, civil or cohabiting partner, or ‘eligible’ children.
Please visit our death of a retired member page for more information about any benefits which may be due.